Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Taking The Mirror Down

Today I am taking down the mirror.

I think of the song written or sung by Michael Jackson... Man in the mirror. I have chosen to forget the man in the mirror. I no longer want to start with him/her. I want to forget her and find the new me in a new mirror.

I have, over the course of this year, have come to the understanding that the person in the mirror is the constant reminder of the failure, misfortunes and disdain that has fallen upon her/me or NOT!

 I have consistently looked upon myself as a victim not recognizing the victor to be found within, which I have become. I have not seen her when I look in the mirror for the fog of old that has clouded my judgement. In all of my cleaning she cannot be found in the mirror. Although, I am a victorious woman.

I am realizing that this mirror must come down and that I need to hang a new one or wait a while until that can be done with style and grace not forced.

It may not be necessary to write or journal all the misfortunes I have over come; especially to the happy seekers that believe in the law of attraction. However, if I fail to list the victories, I shall not prove to myself or others the extent of that which I have prevailed.

There will always be a tendency to look back in order to see forward, however it is what I see in the reflecting process which will determine the greatness of my future.

I shall discover a new mirror to hang!

Like this perhaps.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Push Myself


How is it that I can motivate the lowest to the elite and have, but can't push myself?

I have put in place a series of work that has helped many of people gain success. Yet I have been frozen with fear to rise to the top and implement these proven methods I've created. I have in my possession many of books I've written and a Q&A process that leads you to success.

What I ask is holding me back. Me!

My being so afraid to be the best or better. I remember once my mother tell me... "You better not bring another A in my house as long as your sister is failing."

I did not know then that her statement was a means to impress upon me the value of family and helping others succeed. Later I figured it falls under the ..."Am I my brothers keeper" rule. It wasn't until just recently that I realized, that statement has been the stumbling block to my success.

I have found the root of my problem and now I am able to move past being ashamed, apprehensive or embarrassed by my smarts, accomplishments and ever rising to a grand level of success.

Today I celebrate the freedom to fly for my wings are healed now. I take off to soar like never before.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Best Present

The flow of life anew, is the present called "today".

It is in the allowing we find a renewing of things past known, experienced, heard, felt, and spoken. It is in the present that we find that gift called magic. It is in the majestic flow that we come to the manifestation of destinations on the journey called life that which we alone has summoned. In our calling of that which is just and pure we find ourselves affirming that thing called good.

I call forth the ability, will, desire, determination and expectation to experience, enjoy and evoke love upon the present in order to obtain the new the morrow. I breath in the magical essence called life. I dare not take for granted the fullness there in. It is in each and every breath that I am afforded the opportunity to be apart of all and to manifest all through the all I AM that is within all things as well as myself. It is the tool or blessing that is set in place that I may be destined to achieve the present that is set as law within the universal poetic flow. It is in this flow that I dance with destiny toward the end of a bounty full journey; ever twisting, ever turning, inspiring, moulding, mending and shaping the essence call I AM that is found in ME!

Today I celebrate the ability and willingness to allow life anew each and every moment; not bring in the clouds of yester-minute, day,year...moment called mine.

I find magic in the present as I enjoy life anew!