Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Alone Side of Togetherness

I woke up this morning with the thought of, the alone side of togetherness. What or better-yet why, is that the first thing that the universe whispered to me? I realized, that today I am found alone once again; in the togetherness of the love relationship I possess. My reality is that, I am alone and moments of loneliness tries to flood my mind. I am faced with the options to wallow or rise. I choose to rise. I choose to enjoy the alone time and reflect upon the joy filled moment this love has offered me over the course of this journey in which I am on.

Reflecting upon the laughter, the spontaneous melodies sung to me over the phone that bring tears of joy to my heart and eyes; I smile. As I breath in this moment I capture the remembrance of a moment I caught him pausing from his work to look upon me; he smiles.

On this alone side of togetherness I embrace the ability to re-member us. In his absentia I exhale a sigh of longing for his touch, voice, and his energy that revives me. As I inhale the purest form of love that he leaves behind; I am warmed throughout my soul. A tear fall from my eyes, not due to the loneliness yet the togetherness that we have ever so graciously created.

I choose to embrace the fullness of togetherness at this moment; although history has shown when left alone the tendency is to play or stray out of the yard. I choose to savor the fullness of our boundaries we have staked this love upon. Many ask is it worth it; when left alone so often? Knowing the fullness of his whereabouts and plausible actions... I tend to wonder and wander upon the terrain of loves lair. Where have I found my solace? In the monumental moments of reflections of the embraces of his love; our love. If it all ends today... I have been truly blessed with the joys of a love: ever growing, ever forgiving, ever building my strength of character, eternally strengthening my ability to embrace the joyous side of life and renewing my desire to be... in the moment.


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