Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Will to FLOW

As I go with the flow of the moment that come and go,

The resources avail themselves as needed.

I will flow with the universe for it has created all that is needed as my provision.

I will allow the provision of the ALL Source to become the resources appropriate for the moment at hand.

Today I celebrate the the will to go with flow.

Release and Renew... Affirm

I release the old and invite the renewal of a sound mind, body and spirit.

I release the past thankfully, recognizing it was the stepping stone to today.

I release the chains that bind me in order to be free to express, address, and move into progress.

I invite the renewal process of all I am.

I am thankful, for it is in the present of that which is called today; I am afforded the opportunity to renew.

Sunny Side Up

As I awaken out of the slumber by the glaring commitment of the sun; i stretch and rise. I am reminded of the laws of the universe. I am made once again aware of the law of attraction. That which you set your mind to you shall achieve. What soever a man think, does that ring a bell?

You see the sun is committed to rise and shine daily.

My first thought was that the sun is set to a committed schedule I can count on. Why am I not committed on a schedule of my life? Creating a business or designing a life's plan requires dedication and commitment. I have activated the desire, the will, the know-how, the plan but I have failed at the commitment.

I once was told that if I ever wanted to truly know the answer to life's questions look around and see creation. My question the other day was "what am I doing wrong or not doing?", as I walked the track. My answer came out of my slumber... commitment; the lack there of.

Today I shall ponder upon the sun. I shall bask in it's commitment to the universe. Today I see the example of the sun as I set it up above the minor mishaps of the day.

Today I celebrate the sunny side of life. Today I rise up out of the slumber of meager existence. Today as I rise I commit to my intentional participation in LIFE!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Celebration of Centering

As I breathe in centering of SELF through love, I embrace the thought of others creating a center for themselves in this universe and at the same time being author of my own centering; I design my plan.

I am no longer settling for the mediocrity of allowing or just belonging; better yet, just being a part of. I am intentional in my choosing of that which I plan to be a part of.

I am observant in my approach in the processes in which I choose to implement my centering. I set out to develop, design, and manage that mark... some call a hub, rod, or focal point. I formulate a plan of grounding myself with the core of the earth as well as the force field of the universe. I am determined to stand firm and waver not in the stormiest moments.

In doing so I am able to stand in the midst of the storms of life without breaking in the bend and uprooting in the pull.

Today I celebrate my ability to design and determine my center.