Friday, January 15, 2010

Push Myself


How is it that I can motivate the lowest to the elite and have, but can't push myself?

I have put in place a series of work that has helped many of people gain success. Yet I have been frozen with fear to rise to the top and implement these proven methods I've created. I have in my possession many of books I've written and a Q&A process that leads you to success.

What I ask is holding me back. Me!

My being so afraid to be the best or better. I remember once my mother tell me... "You better not bring another A in my house as long as your sister is failing."

I did not know then that her statement was a means to impress upon me the value of family and helping others succeed. Later I figured it falls under the ..."Am I my brothers keeper" rule. It wasn't until just recently that I realized, that statement has been the stumbling block to my success.

I have found the root of my problem and now I am able to move past being ashamed, apprehensive or embarrassed by my smarts, accomplishments and ever rising to a grand level of success.

Today I celebrate the freedom to fly for my wings are healed now. I take off to soar like never before.


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