Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Black Women the Strongest Force in America! What NOW?

As I watched Larry King Live interview Tyler Perry; I heard Larry strongly suggest to Tyler that the strong force in America is the single black female. I almost fainted to hear a white male of prominance exclaim out to the world: the black woman is strongest.

I for many of years professed or protested to this fact. However Americans are so far behind in realizing or audibly expressing this. Finally we get an unsung victory. You see. I say unsung because it sadden me to see the look on Tyler's face of not amazement of the acknowledgment but of disbelief. I sat in awe as Larry repeated himself as to convince Tyler; as well as the rest of the African America male populates. Those who some how forgotten or act as if they never ever felt validation for their "gold diggin, hood rat, unruly, disrespectful, bitch of a mama, sister, aunt, or cousin". Yes I went there.

Ladies our responsibility is not to prove yourself different, but to dictate the allowance of perception and/or the roles that these men play in our lives. It behooves us all to stand up and validate ourselves. It is high time we walk in that strength Larry and other White Americans see and that which the Black man fears. No more shall we have to apologize for the strength that we mustered up in the struggle of survival. No more shall we blame the fragmented ignorance of slavery residue that lies not dorment but highly active today. We shall over power that which was ment to hold us down, tear us apart, rip out our souls, bastardize our children, and immobilize, tramitize, disporatize our men: me must bare arms as well as to lay bare their secrecies to continue to observe the Willy Lynch way: Seperation by color, strength, and work position.

Time to pull the reigns of our MEN. Yes it is Our responseabilaty to repair, renew, regenarate and receive our family by first renewing the strength, confidence, valor, and position of our head: the Black MAN. What better time is there then now? We have a Head of these lands being Black. Yes What people want to validate themselves too through him; by saying he is mixed. Wasn't it you who said... an ounce of black in Negro? Yes!

I say enoug of the chopping block. Get your MAN, father, brother, hell your son out of the noose of failure, set back, depression, oppression, supression and set them apart, above, upward and onward towards their higher calling as Friend, Father, Leader, and KING. Recognize today that that which is feared the most is hunted the hardest. How long will you sit idlely by as the perception of your strength is wedging a wider hole in the broken foundation of family, community or nation? When will you Rise to the Occasion? When will you join hands? When will you take your man back and preserve your heritage? How long will you allow the watering down, filtering out, and segmenting of your seed, provision, and right?

A sista moment. Ponder with me.


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