Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Love's lore is ever changing!

Love: we have a distorted view, overly expectant of that which is unrealistic, we are confused.

Can someone tell me why in the world do we expect perfection when it comes to relationships? I think many would beg to differ, but I stand strongly on this utterance of truth. We are out of realities realm of truth when we live the life of expectation of perfection.

No rough spots, no hard time is what we expect. At the first imbalance, or fluctuation comes along we walk out, throw in the towel, or we stomp out the flame. That is not love.

I am hungered to feed off his presence, breathe, smell, being, all that he is. I am a wonder-lust for his emoting of ALL.

He has given me NO-THING, yet he has afforded me every thing. I am Full. He has escorted me out of chaos and delivered me unto the courts of ever. The words of true, elude me as the definitions flee. Yet as I awaken the breath of this moment I dare to exhale or allow the rhythmic flow of a mere heartbeat, disrupt the monumental euphoria he gives me.

I am allowing his love to flow, build, redirect, redeposit and renew me.

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